How to find scales?


There are scales available in the website. For example:

  1. The Decision Making Individual Differences Inventory (DMIDI) >The DMIDI is a catalogue of over 200 individual difference measures commonly used in judgment and decision-making research. An alphabetical list of all of the over 170 measures covered by the DMIDI:

  2. OBHRM百科-A Chinese website > OBHRM百科是一个国内OBHRM学者共建共享的OBHRM公益知识库。我们坚信,通过所有同仁的共同努力,可以为国内OBHRM研究、教学创造更便利的条件。

  • For English Scales
  • For Chinese Scales
  1. Edmondson (1999) in Appendix
    • Supportiveness of organization context
    • Task design
    • Clear Direction
    • Team composition
    • Team efficacy
    • Team psychological Safety
    • Team Learning Coaching
    • Team learning behavior
    • Team performance
    • Internal motivation
    • Team learning behavior (observer)
    • Team performance (obseerver)
  2. to be continued

Google Scholar

If you find one relevant scale but the paper only revealed on item or two. Then it's easy to use the keyword searching like: "scale name or author name" + "example item".